Bruce Gernon gave me some exclusive pictures for my book Into the Bermuda Triangle that he had taken over other flights in the Triangle much more recent than his fateful flight on December 4, 1970. In the book, they are black and white, but here let’s present some of them in color and take a fantastic journey with
Bruce today, by his aircraft.
Bruce through the Triangle.
Bruce is now the longest in situ observer of the Triangle, both of events within and of its everyday geographic mysteries. His interest was first sparked by his own encounter in the Triangle back on December 4, 1970. His account first appeared in print in Charles Berlitz’s 1977 book Without A Trace. Bruce has been an active flyer in the area for over 45 years. He continues to study what happened to him and to other pilots, in an attempt both to understand and to solve the mystery that has befallen so many. Many people are not familiar with how exotic the area is. There is no other place in the world full of so many natural mysteries. . . apart from its greatest mystery of unexplained disappearances. This has led many to wonder if there isn’t a connection. Could whatever geological force that created the Triangle’s unique and tortured geography also be responsible for some of its famous enigma of electromagnetic abberations? The Triangle has beautiful underwater plateaux that stop just short of the surface, so shallow that from the air the waters look a velvety turquoise. These bear witness to an horrendous and violent past. The skies above the Triangle are a tropic robin-egg blue. They contain huge blankets of haze, visible areas of humidity as delicate in appearance as spun silk. But are they deadly conductors of electricity? The geologic beauty is accessible. But mystery from both beneath the sea and in the sky come and go with equal suddenness as her many missing ships and planes. Patterns form beneath the sea and vanish; glowing forms and “objects” suddenly race below and above the surface, and even “typical” clouds seem to form into “geometric oddities.” One of Bruce’s pictures prove that these geometric mysteries exist even below the sea.
Let’s begin the journey! I’ll let Bruce take up the narrative.
Here are 2 pictures from 1976.
“In the center of the photos you can see a tunnel that had previously formed and is close to perfectly cylindrical and about 5 miles long and only one mile in diameter. About one minute later this tunnel collapsed and I noticed a counter clockwise rotation in the slit that it left behind. These two photos give a comparable reproduction of what the tunnel vortex looked like just before we flew through it. I have noticed these tunnels only last about 3 minutes. “I have photographed many horizontal tunnels in clouds but these are by far the best I have ever captured. The sun was setting behind the clouds and they were over the Everglades. In the summer massive thunderstorms will build up over the heart of the glades. These storms were about 40,000 ft high. Photo #1 was taken about 60 sec before #2. You can notice on the left how a tunnel vortex is about to form by seeing how the anvil heads are about to contact. Only a few seconds later they contacted and a tunnel of approximately 5 miles in length and 3 miles in diameter was formed. “Coincidentally I was in the tunnel (100 miles east of Miami) for about 20 seconds and then the electronic fog for 3 minutes and then over Miami Beach. Therefore we traveled 100 miles and 30 minutes (the time it should have taken us) forward in space-time in just over 3 minutes.”
Bimini, as any regular of this site knows, is a key point in the Triangle. Not only are many UFOs sighted around its skies, but many USOs are also reported under its waters. It is also a major center of unexplained electromagnetic anomalies. The enigma of the Bermuda Triangle has taken some of the honky-tonk atmosphere out of Bimini and replaced it with the aura of being a gateway to mystery. Off the island there are unexplained manmade ruins. By their construction and layout, they suggest some of the earliest and most mysterious megalithic architecture known to mankind. It was also near Bimini where Bruce encountered his tunnel cloud in 1970. Many have proposed there is a connection: that the prehistoric culture that raised these mysterious buildings was interested in trying to harness the unique electromagnetic anomalies for power or for ancient religious purposes. Others, like Edgar Cayce’s followers, have seriously proposed that the electromagnetic anomalies are caused in part by sunken prehistoric power complexes. Whatever the case, the pictures below reveal any number of enigmas. Bruce continues:
“Photo #3 is a picture of a lightning strike that I took in 1978. It was a large storm late at night over the Bahamas near Bimini. It appears to be a rare photo of ball lightning. What makes it unusual is the fact there are five massive balls within the storm and they are in formation. This photo is a forewarning of the unusual electrical energy that can be found in some of the storms located in the Bermuda Triangle.”